Working Parent Burnout: Tips & Resources for Getting Through It

Sep 28, 2021 |

Parental burnout. It's real and indeed familiar to us as professional coaches who also happen to be working parents. We compiled some helpful resources and tips that help navigate this all too familiar terrain. The following resources and tips are grouped by 1) recognizing the signs and symptoms of burnout 2) identifying your basic needs and how to ensure they are met 3) setting boundaries around home-life and work and 4) more tools to develop actionable plans to tackle burnout. 

Recognizing signs and symptoms of burnout

• The tell tale signs of you have them?

• Depression: What is burnout?

• Job Burnout: How to spot it and take action

Make sure your basic needs are met

    Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    Setting boundaries around home-life and work

    The hard truth about boundaries

    More tools to develop actionable plans to tackle burnout

    Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi

    What are some of your go-to ways to tackle burnout? Here at 3Be Coaching, we're always looking for new, unique, and creative ways to address this all too familiar terrain. If you have a resource or tip to share, write to us at We'd love to hear from you! 

    Categories: : Burnout